«I only know one thing, that I know nothing»
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The outer meaning of this famous quote by Socrates is the nemesis of the average thinking person. It is, with no doubt, my nemesis. Knowing that you know nothing in front of the knowledge of this world is destroyfull for a human's soul that wants to grab a small piece of this world. Even thinking you know what you hear, read or being told you are far from misleaded. Maybe Plato was true when he was lecturing that, what we live it is a dream.and up in the sky is the true mages of ourselves.
But what if you could change everyone's dreams or nightmares by will and knowledge? What if I would be one of this world dreams definer?
But for now, I'm a dreamer. Because I have a dream too! A dream that other previous people dreams will be heard.their words will be made into reality.
And if it won't, in my time, I will be the one that will have put the basis for the next generations to achieve it and maybe include me into these previous dreamers too.
But I, also, had an awakening that I will be the one to succeed. And if that I'm saying it because of youth...Let me stay forever young in ideas and at strength and courage!
I understand that we live in difficult and turbulent times and I, as a Greek, should know. Although the motto of our times is save yourself, this is not and never was a principal for me. I WILL with the opportunity you will give me or later with the opportunities I will create, help other humans in need beside these that my eyes can see.
I want to be involved in any way with the U.N. organizations and start my dreams from there.