ΑΝΕΜΟΣ* Hot- Stuff

that is to be done ...

speed of light....and speed of death..
.immense...and immensely immeasurable.....
doesn't matter...who, what, when or how....
doesn't take into account achievements, 
fears, aspirations, desperation(s),
loves or hatreds,
has no sediment and needs no justification...
- just causality -
it doesn't interrupt....just terminates
...because of...or just - causality
but the speed! the speed is incomprehensible..
sublime in its non-substantiation....
magnificent in its hideousness...
and beautiful to the beholder... 
foreordained at birth,
but with an ever present fortuitousness upon its manifestation
- manifestation of termination- oxymoron.
Nevertheless, matched only by its one and only foe- Eros....
a cycle of annihilating rebirth - 
a constant revolution in evolution (or devolution) - Eros and Thanatos....

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