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Tuesday, 8 June 2010 at 06:50 pm
Which is the target in our modern societies around the world? Is it a state’s world economical and religious
empowerment over others -often mislead with self-protection from outside sworn enemies-? Is it the politicians with the money and power concentrated in their hands? Is it the citizens of a country that are always asked to pay up their government depts.? Is it the education or pensions or… or… or… so many other things that are being cut from their budgets to support the state’s economical situation? Or is it the environment that pays up for all the human desires and vanities?
No. It’s the youth of these modern societies, the youth of our world! And I would know since I am a part of it. The young people are their future from which they are trying to mold their ideas, their decisions, so the present will be the future and the dominant political persons and ideas will have stayed strong along the test of time. An unending circle of recycled ideas!
The average politically engaged and thinking young person is –the least someone could say- frustrated! He is taking a sever wounded, oil leaking, world and he is given as helping tools “Gauzas” filled with holes!
Managing so far according to grownups advices about promising universities, profitable professions, and the list is long; they have made it to the job market “arena” just to find a dessert of opportunities! What they’ve been promised is no longer there, besides the fact that they have arranged their lives according to the promises according to the present. But every era has its characteristics and the present presents abnormalities! The weight of rebuilding our rightfully destroyed possessions is, sad to admit it, upon us and the weight is heavy.